
Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Remains Of The Day . . .

Good Afternoon Dear Friends!

Here I am again in the study at Myrtle House, slaving away, pounding the keys of a hot, electric golfball typewriter just for you . . . well, to be strictly accurate and in the interests of transparency, I should really say that in fact I'm tapping gently on my newly-acquired but already beloved MBA which has now finally replaced my old PC set up - hurrah!

It is somewhat scary to trust all my work to one slight silver sliver of aluminium but, having bitten the bullet, I am in paroxysms of joy at the ease and speed of migration!  So, welcome to the first of, I hope, many IMc iMac blogs!

So what news? Well, finally the end is in sight with regard to the saga of packing up the Old Duchess' belongings and finally distributing them to the needy of the parish - in fact they will be making their way to the shops that support a local children's hospice of which the OD would have very much approved - and what a long haul it has been! 

I trotted over to the stately pile earlier today to do a final count up and recce and discovered that the bags we had, of necessity, placed outside for the refuse collection had been ripped open and the contents strewn everywhere! Why do people do that? They were more than welcome to take anything but why scatter it all over the garden . . . it's bad enough having to sort out the OD's things and get rid of her life in bin-bags without those with no morals or conscience making things worse!

Anyhow, all of that will soon be over and done with and, as that particular chapter closes, we prepare for whatever lies just ahead . . . I'd love to do some travelling around this summer although I think any that does occur will be somewhat limited; my oldest friend and I have spoken about touring around the UK to our childhood haunts and holiday places, maybe in something like a Morris Traveller or VW Camper; I'd also like to spend some time writing in lovely locations - Venice? Well, maybe not, but one place I shall be visiting at some point will be Bournemouth as the OD's desire was to have her ashes scattered in the same place as her brother and so her wish is my command . . . I know it's probably against every H&S regulation but I feel that her wishes supersede mere legislation!

Anyhow, that's about it for today; since I began the day has turned slowly towards evening and I've shifted rooms and am now inhabiting the lounge whilst Sal sits snuffling in doggy dream debris besides me on the sofa . . . I wish you all a wonderful week ahead and 

'til next time

Be Seeing You !


  1. look who has a new toy to play with be careful you don't wear it out. Sorry someone got to your bags probably some scanky drugie. Sounds like your going on an adventure , i can picture you tootling along in one of those little camper vans with Sal at the side of you hahaha. Ignore all the spelling mistakes i am sure i have made plenty lol:)

  2. we all know who is flash with the cash then.....I need a knee operation all donations gratefully received.............. :D
