
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Here Will I Sit and Wait . . . *

Good Evening Dear Friends

And as the sun sinks slowly in the west and clouds creep in to cover the previously unblemished heavens, I thought I'd spend a moment or two in your company and pass a wee while in wistful thoughts and conversation . . .

It has been a quiet and peaceful day following on from a very enervating evening yesterday when I allowed my dissatisfaction with telephony providers to colour my mood . . . but today I decided I would try and be of a more positive and possibly less beige frame of mind and so Sal and I popped off to the local beauty spot for a bit of a stroll in the sun.  Being that time of year again - i.e. when the inmates are freed from their academic chains - and besides the supine forms of teachers lying exhausted in small heaps on the grass there were a significant number of children around too -  the place was positively bustling with activity . . . this, of course, doesn't exactly meld with my curmudgeonly demeanour but we managed to avoid too much contact and had a spiffing stroll in the sunshine.
It is some while since we've managed such an extended stroll, due to all the business I've been dealing with and a general lack of enthusiasm - purely on my part of course as Sal would walk at any hour of the day or night . . . of course, with the temperate clime came the urge to dowse herself in ornamental ponds which resulted in a shower upon our return . . . whilst not resisting she is none too keen to ablute in this way and looks positively suicidal until she bounds out and runs around like a cross-country dervish in an effort to dry herself !  She is now very curly and fluffy but assures me normal hirsuitness and odour will be resumed as soon as possible  - more's the pity!

This is the third IanMc iMac posting but this time we are using the newly "refreshed"  (to use an Apple term)  MacBook Air (MBA) which is all super-duper and has double the RAM and twice the storage and is jolly nice 'cos the keyboard illuminates itself in the dark too!  Those poor unfortunates who know me personally will verify that my conversation is practically all mac-based these days and the level of ennui is stupefying in the extreme but, as a writer, it's wonderful tool and a marvellous experience after so may PC years . . . and I will be the first to admit that, until around two years ago I was very biased against Mac stuff; then on the way to Damascus - or possibly Manchester, but I forget - my conversion duly came about and here I am now totally at one with my beautiful wee MBA . . . the ease at which I can write anywhere is totally astounding - and more than that it makes even the most tiresome project at least a pleasure to type . . . anyhow, I'll stop now and try and talk about something other than this sleek silver sliver of gorgeousness ... oh dear! I fear I'm a lost cause . . .

The latest piece of writing "The Princess of Stargazey Halt" is coming along nicely and an idea from a few years ago popped in to my head today along with a slightly different approach and so another little piece of my art may soon be in the public domain . . . I do say that tongue-in-cheek, not least because of the delays that are occurring with "The Maelstrom' which is still being looked at by the 'digital people' by which I presume they mean the people who will upload it to the company's website . . . it really seems like forever ago that I wrote it; still, patience is a virtue as is said though not one I possess in any great abundance.

It is now fast approaching ten pm and already it is dark; summer, whilst not long upon us, seems intent on gathering up her belongings and preparing to head south with the swallows . . . however, she may rest a while yet and allow us some time to stay our days on thyme-scented banks and daydream in the yew tree's shade of summers long ago; unreachable as yesterday always is and as unthinkable as snowflakes in August.

I hope you glean whatever goodness you can from the coming days and that you are assured of love and happiness wherever your feet may take you.

'til next time

Be Seeing You !

 *  Here will I sit and wait,
      While to my ear from uplands far away
      The bleating of the folded flocks is borne,
      With distant cries of reapers in the corn 
All the live murmur of a summer's day.

From "An Oxford Elegy" comprising of two poems by Matthew Arnold "The Scholar Gypsy" and "Thyrsis" set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams

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